
Monday, December 19, 2011

I Saw God Today...

When my alarm was going off at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, I was really questioning myself. I always do that on basketball game days when I first wake up. Then, by the time I get out of the shower I am awake enough that it is no big deal. I hurried around (because 6:00 was the absolute latest I could get up and only be 5 minutes late picking my Dad up) and went and picked up Dad and one of our players that needed a ride. We were off to Perryville for a day of basketball!

About half way through our day of games, the Perryville coach came over and said he had a favor to ask. He has 4th grade boy playing that has down syndrome and they are really wanting him to score in a game. He asked if we would not play defense at the end of the half and let him score. I just stood there shocked. There was no way we were going to say no. I sent a text to Nathan telling him what was going to happen, and I was getting teary eyed just texting it to him. I am not much on crying in front of anyone, no one! So, I knew I was in trouble.

About an hour later the game started. When there was 2 minutes left in the half, the Perryville coach called time out. We called the boys over and explained to them what was going on. They did look a little confused, not many 4th graders understand down syndrome and we did not have time to properly explain it. We just told them they had a player that needs to score a basket and we were going to let him. I told them to let his shoot it until he made it and if he missed it to give it back to him. They all agreed.

Perryville threw the ball in and dribbled down and gave it to him. The little boy shot it and shot it and it was so close every time. Before I knew it, I was standing there on the side line yelling "come on buddy!" As soon as the buzzer went off, he made it! That little boy turned around, and once I saw the look on his face, tears started streaming down my face. The whole Perryville team and coaches, and parents rushed out and picked him up in the center of the court. Everyone was cheering - Lamar and Perryville both. I looked around and I didn't feel so bad crying once I saw the referees, scorekeepers, coaches, players, and both sets of fans were crying too! It was awesome.

I knew right then why God got me up that day, even if it was at 6:00 a.m. on my day off. He had something to show me and I am so glad I didn't miss it.

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