
Monday, May 2, 2016

Catfish & Crawfish

Friday night we decided to attempt to go to Brown's Catfish buffet since we were getting around early and maybe could beat the crowd. Well, a senior citizen class reunion got there right in front of us, so we waited in line about 30 minutes. I am not going to lie, that was not pleasant for a few reasons. My kids were hungry so they were whiny and the senior citizens class reunion people were very loud (so loud my kids were holding their ears), to name a few. But, we finally made it and the food was great! 

Noah was supposed to have his first ballgame on Saturday, but due to all the rain Friday it was cancelled. We also had a crawfish boil to attend that day. We have been invited to this crawfish boil for years and have never been able to make it until this  year. There was a bounce house for the kids, along with water balloons and a swingset - so my kids were in heaven! It was hot in the sun, and there was lots of sun! The kids had never been around crawfish before so they loved watching them - Noah pulled up a chair and just watched them forever. After a few hours he worked up enough courage to pick one up :) I am not going to touch one and apparently Ryan wasn't going to either :) I don't eat them either but Nathan loves them. After almost 6 hours the kids and I went home for baths and air conditioning :) We were worn out!

Ryan said all the "Sebastians" were yucky :)
(She thought they were Ariels crabs) :)

Noah loved playing with his friend Kadience from his school :)

We gave in and finally took Noah back to "The Firing Down Place" (Sumo) for lunch Sunday - he begs to go there almost daily! Sunday was also family picture day! Ryan did so good this time - for the first time ever! She smiled for every picture! I cannot wait to see them. Both kids were excited to get to go to the store and pick a small toy out for cooperating for pictures :) We ended our weekend with Sumo leftovers and watching Concussion - and I now do not want Noah to ever play football. 

The traditional "fighting" picture as Sumo that Noah insists on :)
Busy week this week - lots of volunteering for me, Ryan's ballet, Noah's first ball game,  and we are surprising the kids with a special treat on Thursday!

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