
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving happened, or so I hear...

Everything was great Wednesday. Daycare was closed so I took off work and spent the day at home cleaning house and cooking with the kids. Nathan brought me home an early Christmas present (he is not good at keeping them once he buys them) and he brought dinner and a movie home (a Channing Tatum movie - bonus points!). It all went down hill pretty fast after that.

At 2:30 a.m. I heard Ryan cough and I looked at her monitor and she had thrown up in her bed. So, I went and cleaned her and her bed up. She was fine - no crying or anything - so I don't know if she had an upset stomach or just got choked coughing, she does that a lot.  About 20 minutes after that my stomach started hurting. I got the stomach bug!! Getting the stomach bug any time is bad enough, but on the day dedicated to eating - that is the worst timing ever! I must say I would rather have it on Thanksgiving than Christmas, but still  it was bad!

This is where my amazing husband sprang into action! He got up with the kids and kept them away from me and entertained all day. He made the food I had committed us to making and called and had someone come and get it to deliver it. He brought me sprite and even made me a grilled cheese when I felt like trying to eat something. I basically laid in bed all day and watched the Thanksgiving parade, Reba, Roseanne, and Sixteen Candles - and slept off and on through most of that!

I felt bad that he and the kids missed Thanksgiving but he said he didn't want to leave me because I was his wife and I may have needed him :) So, he had leftover pizza for his Thanksgiving feast. At least we were all together - even if I was quarantined in another room!

Another low-light of the day was I missed Black Friday shopping with my Dad! Thankfully I sent my shopping list with him and my brother and they got everything on it. We have went together for over the last 15 years - I was honestly just as upset about this as I was missing everything else. It is how I spend Thanksgiving with my Dad - he has no other family here local besides his kids so this is how we celebrate together. We love to shop and crowds don't bother us - we are patient. Black Friday or Thursday get a bad reputation because of the crazies that participate. There are lots of us "normal" people out there that just like a good deal and do not knock people over, yell at people, or anything bad like that - we just enjoy shopping for good deals. I am not thrilled the sales are on  Thursday night, but I do not have plans on Thanksgiving night, so it doesn't matter to me. If I can go and get done and in bed at a normal time it is a bonus. Yes, it sucks that some people have to work on Thanksgiving, but not everyone gets vacation days and some people need the money. I don't remember a time when everything was closed on Thanksgiving (only Christmas), and if it goes back to being closed on Thanksgiving, that is fine too. I just know that life isn't fair and someone is always working, every day. Gas stations, fast food places, hospitals, and especially the troops - they are rarely ever closed, with hospitals and the troops never being closed. If you don't like Black Friday shopping, don't go (and don't talk bad about those who do). If you do like it, don't be crazy, be patient, and enjoy.

Miss Ryan at my mom's Thanksgiving :) 

My mom does Thanksgiving the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so we didn't miss that one. We don't do the traditional meals - this year we did seafood! I don't like seafood so I brought Bacon Ranch Chicken - which was delicious if I do say so myself. There was smoked fish, salmon, sushi, shrimp, salad, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob! We also celebrated Nathan and my sister-in-law Emily's birthdays! It was a nice family lunch - just wish it wasn't the only one we got this Thanksgiving. We will just have to make up for it at Christmas!

Singing Happy Birthday to Nathan and Emily

Blowing out Nathan's half of the candles :)

Happy Thanksgiving! I am beyond thankful for all the blessings in my life  - big or small!

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