
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! So much to be thankful for and so much family to spend it with. We started off our Christmas at my Grandmas house last weekend where about 60 of us gathered and the kids exchanged gifts. I think Noah enjoyed playing with the old toys in grandmas toy box (that I used to play with) more than anything! Ryan, being the drama queen she is, had to show out and gag on the tortilla roll I gave her (the shiver when she tasted it should have been a sign) and she threw up all over me, her, the back of my moms chair, and my cousins foot in the middle of the dining room! I was so embarrassed - I know they were all thinking she was sick with a stomach bug, but it was all my fault. So, my mom and Nathan had to clean up curdled milk throw up, while I was out in the car cleaning me and Ryan off - she had a change of clothes, I didn't. Luckily, it was about time to go so we made our graceful exit after that.

Instead of a traditional Christmas party, we decided to have a work party day and go shopping and out to eat! It was way better than a party! We exchanged gifts at the office then went shopping in Ft. Smith and to eat at Fujis. No one had to clean their house or cook anything - way less stress and way more laughs! We have found a new tradition!

The kids kept getting closer and closer as he was reading The Night Before Christmas

Playdoh = Excited Noah
The next day was Christmas Eve. We always do a brunch at my mom's house on Christmas Eve. We like doing a brunch because it is a break from the traditional Christmas foods. My stepdad read The Night Before Christmas and we all opened presents. Nathan and I got the aquamate attachment for our Rainbow vacuum - it is awesome! (Yes, we are old and get excited about these things). The kids got dvd players for their rooms so they can watch all the kid movies they want in their rooms, some new movies, giant dinosaur wall stickers, and a tickle me Minnie Mouse. We then headed home for naps for the kids and so Nathan and I could all the new stuff away.

After naps we went to Nathan's Grandmas house. There we do dirty Santa for the adults and we buy for all the kids under 16 (which is only 4 kids). We are not very dirty with our dirty Santa though - we rarely steal any gifts. I brought Magic Mike DVD with a blanket, popcorn, and movie candy - it was a hit :) I got a pretty tabletop cross and Nathan got a new grill set. The kids got more awesome gifts and loved running around and playing with their cousins! We left his grandmas an hour and a half after bedtime so I was impressed with how well the kids were acting. We took them home and gave quick baths and put them in bed so Santa could come.

Noah slept until 8:00 (we know this won't happen much on Christmas morning so we enjoyed it). Ryan was squirming around, but still asleep so we got her up too. Noah was very excited that he got just what he asked for - the magic of Christmas for him is awesome to watch. Ryan surprised me with how well she unwrapped gifts! She even gasped every time she opened something even if she didn't know what it was - it was so cute!

SO excited about underwear :)
After this we went out to my grandmas for a quick lunch before nap time. We then went to Nathan's parents house for dinner and to exchange gifts with them. Noah got dinosaurs (no matter how many he has, he gets so excited for them), log cabin blocks, and a car that pops wheelies. Ryan got Ariel's castle and some clothes and a Minnie Mouse bag. Nathan and I got sheets, towels, clothes, and lots of other goodies - oh and an awesome patio heater! We can't wait to use it! The highlight for the kids was the .97 bubbles though - they loved them!

Lunch at great-grandmas

Noah playing with the toys I used to play with :)

Stillwell Cousins :)


At bedtime, Noah always requests a bedtime song. Last night he requested to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. When he got done he asked why God doesn't heal Jesus and send him back to the Earth since God heals all of us :) This kid is such a thinker - this may get me in trouble later - but it will take him far in life! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas also! Now, to get the house back in order, get rid of some old toys, and ready for the New Years birthday party :)

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